Reflective Intelligent Surfaces and Metasurface Antennas
Two-Dimensional Rectangular-Coordinate Orthogonal Multiplexing Antenna Systems for Non-Far Field Region Communication
Intelligent Surfaces for Wireless Communications: Living at the Interface of Electromagnetic and Communication Theories
New Frontiers for Wave Engineering Using Metamaterials
4D Multiport Antennas: Space-Time Design
Ultra Wideband Millimeter-Wave Simultaneous Transmit/Receive Radios
Recent Advances in the Applications of Meta EM Structures: From 3D Printed Lenses to Lightweight Membrane Designs
Using Metamaterials for Wireless Energy Harvesting and Power Transfer
Antenna Beam Steering using Metasurfaces in the Near Field and Other Methods
Multi-Mode Multi-Port Antennas (M³PA) for 6G Antenna Systems
New Progresses in CMOS Millimeter Wave Sources
Evolution of Base Station Antennas: New Efficiency, New Intelligence, New Spectrum