Metamaterial-inspired Electrically Small Directive Antennas and Their NextG Applications
From EBG’s to Meta-Surfaces and Beyond: Recent Developments and Novel Engineering Applications
Self-Complementary Metasurfaces
Metasurfaces 3.0 As A Key Enabling Technology For Future Wireless Systems
Advanced Inverse-Design Methodologies for Electromagnetic and Optical Metantennas
Combining Metamaterials and Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures to Enable Multifunctional Compact Antennas and Systems
Time-varying Coding Metasurface and Its Potential Application in Wireless Communication
Strategies to Extend the Bandwidth of Wideband Antennas Over Artificial Magnetic Conductors
Modulated Metasurface Antennas: Models, Design Procedures and Practical Realizations
Reconfigurable Metasurfaces and Beam-steered Metantennas for Millimetre-wave and Sub-THz Communications
Metantenna Technology for 5G/6G Base Stations: Opportunities and Challenges