ville viikari

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Finland

Advanced PCB-Mountable Antenna Arrays: Integrating Filtering, Amplification, and Thermal Management in 3D-Printed Designs

The presentation highlights innovative PCB surface-mountable, 3D-printed antenna arrays with integrated advanced functionalities. Key features include embedded bandpass filters within antenna elements, effectively reducing out-of-band emissions during transmission and minimizing interference during reception. Additionally, the integration of amplifiers within the antenna elements transforms them into active components, thereby eliminating matching and transmission losses and enabling efficient heat distribution across a larger physical volume. However, the incorporation of amplifiers presents challenges, such as the inability to use conventional isolators for enhancing isolation between elements. The presentation addresses strategies to enhance the performance of antenna-amplifier arrays amidst element coupling. Moreover, it demonstrates how these antenna arrays can be leveraged for effective cooling of amplifiers and other active electronic components.

Ville Viikari is currently a Professor and Head of Department with the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Espoo, Finland. From 2001 to 2007, he was with the Radio Laboratory, TKK (now part of Aalto University), where he studied antenna measurement techniques at submillimeter wavelengths and antenna pattern correction techniques. From 2007 to 2012, he was a Research Scientist and a Senior Scientist with the VTT Technical Research Centre, Espoo, Finland, where his research included wireless sensors, RFID, radar applications, MEMS, and microwave sensors. He was appointed an Assistant Professor at Aalto University in 2012. He has authored or co-authored more than 110 journal papers and 110 conference papers. He is an inventor in 16 granted patents. His current research interests include antennas for mobile devices and networks, antenna clusters and coupled arrays, active antennas, and antenna measurement techniques.